Before Buying please read carefully and thoroughly our refund policies as by purchasing on our online boutique you agree to our sale conditions and refund policies.

Due to the time, employees and expenses involved with shipments.

Due to the fact that most of our items are unique vintage or antique pieces that can not be replaced and they can not be used or tested unless purchased.

Due to the fragility and rarity of our items.

Due to the fact that the delivery costs are not refunded! We only refund the item  price of purchase value. When purchasing an item with delivery included you must refer to the invoice of purchase for refunds!

Due to occurring abuse of the 14 days refund policies such as using the items for events, decorations, Instagram posts, open houses and then returning them. after that they have been used for the purchased purpose.

It is important that you take the time to think about your purchase before making any purchase on our online gallery. We invite you to take contact with us before purchasing and inquire for more information about the item you are interested in and off-course you are welcome to inquire for more detailed pictures.

You must also consider that in certain circumstances the return cost of postage, insurance and duties can be more than the items value.

In some cases shipping, insurance and packaging costs are included in the purchase price, it will be mentioned on the invoice. To make it easier for our customers but you must know that in any case shipping costs are not refundable and are deducted from the purchase price if you must cancel and return the item for any reason. when you make a purchase you will receive a detailed invoice with item price, insurance and shipping costs, then you have 3 working days to refuse the shipping costs and be fully refunded as as soon as the the shipping process starts we can no longer cancel the purchase and you are reliable for shipping costs.

We will answer any questions, so if you have any doubts regarding buying

one of our vintage, antiques or collectibles, no matter how small, please ask us
before buying.

As soon as you purchased an item on our online store you agree to our sale and refund policies.

you are allowed to open the package take the item out and inspect the item thoroughly but note that you are not allowed to remove the label or the seal on the item! if the seal is broken you will not be refunded as it means that the item it has been used!

Before returning any goods you must contact us first. We understand
that occasionally customers wish to return items and we are happy to
meet our obligations to refund according to our policy below:

 1. In all cases you must contact us within 3 days of receiving the
    item. This can be via email or phone but we will need a written
    record of your request within 3 days, so please email
 2. Provide the reason for return and the item description.
 3. You will then be supplied with instructions and the return delivery

4. We refund within 15-30 working days after we receive the item and you can expect a refund by bank transfer.

you are allowed to open the package take the item out and inspect the item thoroughly but note that you are not allowed to remove the label or the seal on the item!

Breaking the label or the seal and use of the good!

we noticed since the 14 days return policy was adopted by the EU a lot of customers purchase goods to use during events, open houses, ads, Instagram accounts, press articles etc etc.... Some customers even took spare parts from our collections to complete their own or what they were missing, exchange elements to replace similar items that they had....

Please note that every single part is carefully documented before wrapping. due to all the abuses we have made a label / seal to protect our items from being used and if the label or seal is broken you can no longer claim for a return refund.

Incorrect item

If we sent you a different item than the one you selected and paid
for then please e-mail me within
24 hours of receipt of the goods and we will organize a full refund. but note that if the seal / label is broken and the item was used then you lose your right to claim a refund.

Please note that every item is documented before wrapping and shipping so if we made a mistake then it was documented.

Change of Mind or regret 

We do accept returns for change of mind for delivered
vintage, antique or collectible purchases.

  * if you regret your purchase within 3 days of purchase we can cancel directly and refund automatically without any question asked. unless the item has been shipped. You must notify us as soon as possible before that the shipping process has been initiated as, as soon as the shipping process has been initiated it is no longer possible to cancel a purchase and you are reliable for the wrapping and shipping costs.

in case the shipping is on its way

  * We MUST be notified within 24 hours of reception of the package via e-mail of your intention to return
    the item and off-course you can not open the box then and use the item.

  * again if the seal / label on the item is broken and the item used you lose the right to a refund.

  * The item must be returned using an end-to-end
    tracked shipment and we recommend you use an insured service (you must check if the courier insures the item carried and the insurance value covers
    the item) as you are responsible for the item until it has been
    successfully returned.

  * We do not offer a refund of our initial packaging costs, shipment costs or any import duties originally paid by the customer, return costs or the cost of Spanish
    import duties we must pay for receiving back the item. When we are
    liable for import duty on the return it will be deducted from the

  *We do not refund the special packaging and handling costs when these costs are mentioned on the invoice.

  * sometimes to meet the client needs we pay part of the shipping costs to make it easier for the client to meet the price on the online store. The shipping costs vary and it is impossible to know in advance how much the shipping is going to cost, the customer is notified of the amount and sent a copy of the shipping invoice that he wasn't charged for and that we paid for. In this case we refund the cost of the
item minus any extra shipping fees that we have paid for.

  * When the same item is returned and in the same condition as
    originally supplied by us we will refund the original price paid for
    the item (minus shipping costs, packaging costs and handling costs if mentioned on the invoice).

Damage on arrival

We must be notified immediately if the item arrives
first you must inspect if the package was damaged during transport and must take pictures of the damaged package, notify us directly and then after that we took note then you may open the package to see if the item was damaged.
In the unlikely event the item is damaged on arrival you would have paid
for insurance to cover the cost, however the courier will need to take
back possession of the damaged item and packaging and view the packaging
and damage in order to validate the claim. It is essential you keep the
damaged item exactly as it arrived in it's packaging in order that you
can use the insurance coverage and claim a refund. it is your own responsability to choose or not having a shipping insurance.

Please note that we are not responsible for any damages
that might occur during the handling and transport after that the item
has left our store, gallery, warehouse or showroom, please inspect thoroughly the wrapping before accepting and opening the package and if there is any visible damage to the package  please contact us right away.
We package all the items carefully and also take an extra insurance when possible
to protect our customers’ interest, our goal is always to have our customers fully satisfied when purchasing on any of our platforms.

Failure or Refusal to pay Import Duties

We will not accept returns of an item because you have failed, or
decided not to pay tax or import duties. We will have no liability to refund
your purchase price or shipping costs in this situation.

At no point will we refund the outbound shipping costs paid when
purchasing the item and no refund will be made if the item is returned

If the fees that we incurred are greater than the value of the item we
will invoice you for the balance.